Christmas 2009 - Part 3

Part 3 of the Taylor Family Christmas involves visiting my side of the family immediately after Christmas. This year it was the 26th that we headed up.

First stop is to visit my Grandma Taylor. She's always a crack up, telling the fun stories of the happenings of the whole family. She's holding up well for her age, and I regret that I didn't take a photo while we were there. We DID manage to get a slice of my cousin Valerie's blueberry pie, YUM!

At my folks' place they gave the kids with their presents, Kylee got another doll and since she's 8 finally got a display case for the dolls that she's gotten over the years.

Rylan got a new sleeping bag to use on his scouting adventures and a crisp $50.00 bill to buy a backpack.

Shelly and I got a nice gift from the parents and the kids had fun just hanging at the grandparents' place.

My folks loved their "Get Out for a Night" basket, and really fawned over the photo filled coffee table book Shelly had made with the family photos we had taken this year.

Dad got a Blu-Ray player for Christmas and took advantage of my being there to have me hook it up for him. Kylee of course managed to sucker Grandpa into getting out his 4-wheeler and going for a ride despite the below freezing temperatures!

1 comment:

N and J said...

Glad to hear you all had a great extended holiday. Looks like the kids enjoyed it all. Why not they made out like bandits. Now the hard part getting back to normality.