Friends, Family, and Fun

Friday Night our friends Tom and Andrea came down to just hang out. We always enjoy just chillin' and eatin' with friends. We did take the opportunity on Friday Night to finally remove the tape from Rylan's Leg. (You Can Read About That Here) Poor Shelly really had a hard time seeing his scar. I know it was mostly because it was on her little boy's leg.

Sunday was the annual Super Commercial event on TV. Trevor, Tiff & kids came down to celebrate with us.
I cooked my Chicken Cordon Bleu from scratch for dinner which was Super Yummy!
The boys went down to the "Man Cave" to watch the game...

While the girls worked on a little craft project upstairs.

And Kylee got the job of keeping the little ones entertained. If you ask her she got the best job of all. She L-O-V-E-S spending time with her cousins!

Thanks to the Wolfe's and the Zezula's for being willing to come down and spend time with our family!

1 comment:

N and J said...

Friends and family, what more do you need? I,m glad to see that the outcome of the game was not even mentioned. Sure wish some of the rest of us would have received a proper invite to the festivities. Just joking. You guys are awesome.