May Update 2

Shelly hosted a McDonalds McNuggets / Shrek "House Party"...

She was provided with some Shrek and McDonald's stuff, and a gift card to buy some food. Shelly made some Shrek style cupcakes and put together party packs for all the kids.

The kids really enjoyed the food and the weather was perfect for a McPicnic! They then made up some game with a bunch of yarn. Needless to say the party was a hit with all the kids!

While Shelly was out getting the food, I took the opportunity to take photos of the kids, I think they turned out rather well!

Rylan went on his firs ever Boy Scout camp-out on the 21st - 22nd.
You can read about it here.

One of my favorite moments in May came on the 28th, my friend and neighbor Mike decided it was finally time to take down the Christmas Lights. Guess he's not a total Redneck after all... well, maybe.

Memorial Day Weekend was supposed to be our family getaway to Moab for 4 days... that, sadly, fell through. So, on Saturday I drove down to DJ a wedding.
I wish all my setups could have such a beautiful backdrop!

On my way out of Moab on Sunday I saw the moon just over the beautiful Red Rock Cliffs and had to take a couple photos:

Monday was the annual Memorial Day picnic at Grandma Kemp's. Good Food, the kids played fun games, and My kids, Trevor, and I went to see Prince of Persia. A fun filled day with family, the best kind!


M+J=K3+E said...

The kids had so much fun at the party...thanks for not posting that awful pic of me. Glad to hear your freaking neighbor finally took his lights down...Sheesh, what is with those people!!

M+J=K3+E said...

P.S. You do realize your "Redneck" neighbor is from Idaho...I'm just saying :)

Anonymous said...

Sure did miss Moab this year. We will have to plan it again (not on Memorial Day weekend this time!) Thanks for all the pics. Super cute!!

N and J said...

Love the pics and commentary. Can't belive the kids are growing up so fast and we are getting older. Thanks for the wonderful memories.