Non-Stop Fun!

June 20th

We decided to make this a Fun-Filled first day for Dylan being here for the summer!

First thing in the morning we took the trailer up Settlement Canyon to set it up for a camp out.
The kids were really good at helping set it up.

We fount this really gorgeous spot where the trees form an archway to put the trailer.

After we got it all set up, we headed back to civilization to go see the movie Kung-Fu Panda. I must admit, it was really a cute flick.

We went back to our campsite and went on a hike. I love the trail we went on, it's one of the trails I bike on. Notice the really tall weeds in the one picture, that makes for some fun biking, let me tell you... itchy, scratchy, if one is not careful!

After the walk we went back, started a fire and roasted some good 'ol Hot Dogs for dinner. The dinner of camping champions!

As soon as it got dark, out came the Marshmallows. Dumb-ol-Dad forgot to grab the Graham Crackers, so we couldn't make S'Mores... but roasted marshmallows are good by themselves!

The kids were really good, it was fun to just hang out with them, we only wish Shelly could have been here, but then I think we all would rather be on a beach in California, so she wins!


Wrena said...

Great Dad! Awsome hubby! Fantastic memories!

Anonymous said...

Super Dad!!! I miss our "trent trailer" as Liv called it. Ever since Ang started our blog, I have saved all of the families blogs and I read them while drinking my coffee every morning, so keep them coming.

Keep up the good work Mark...and after spending the week with the kids you will have a better appreciation for why Shelly needed a vacation without the children. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I just reread my previous post and noticed that I spelled your name ending with a K...I have been meaning to talk to you about that. Who spells Mark with a C. From this point forward I refuse to acknowledge that your name ends with a me, you are MARK!!!

P.S. I just heard Rylan ask for back to your duties Super dad!!!

Rodgers clan said...

how fun, what fun memories. camping is the best, even without s'mores.